i agree and relate with so much of this. I have been to elders houses with copies of "elf" on the table.
bull s*&^t
she asked if it was an xmas party & i told her we won't be singing carols, but it's tied to the holiday.
we also celebrate our top employees with an award, the year i won was emotinal for me, but i had no one to share it with, which really sucked!
i only asked to see if she'd make the effort...by the way last nited she was watching the xmas episode of a sitcoms, isn't that against the wt rules?
i agree and relate with so much of this. I have been to elders houses with copies of "elf" on the table.
bull s*&^t
after years of fighting a physical disability that ended in kidney failure and several bouts of respiratory/cardiac arrestmy mom landed in the hospital last week.
the doc's said she needed heart surgery and kidney transplants but before they could operate they need to get her blood count back up.
it had fallen well below what her body could naturally restore on its own she she needed transfusions.
this is such a terrible thing. i'm so sorry for you and your family.
more than last year??
what will your total probably be?.
Thats one of the things I like about still being a JW, I don't get presents I don't give presents... what a relief !! aaahhhhhh......... thats the thing i hate about being involved with the witnesses. they dont give or get presents ohh.. and they destroy families as well.. can't forget that positive trait..
i was a methodist for the first 30 years of my life, a jw in the middle 13 and then from 1997 have returned to my christmas roots, albeit with a different perspective about what "religion" means to me.
but christmas is a big package which to me extends beyond the birth of jesus.
ive had to re-start, and invent new, traditions for my kids and i as we are alone down here in florida most christmases, and all our relatives who are down here are jws.
driving past others homes, knowing they are having a better time than me.
i was thinking we could talk about what works for couples who have good jw/non-jw relationships.
maybe we could get ideas from eachother to help improve ourselves and our relationships!.
i'll start.
This is terribly long:
In my case I made major mistakes. I married a born-in, never promised to join, but never world stop her. Sounds fair right? Well I didn't stand up for what I believe or what I didn't. We have been married over 20 yrs. I always gave in, cut ties with my family, after all no wife on holidays or b-days, was easier to not do it. I attended meetngs with her cause I love her. I did the study thing, but not really a big religion guy so it didn't "get" it. Once the kids came I may have well been baptized, Thats he terrible mistake part.
I did meetings, family studies, even some field service (not much.god i hated that). I have such deep feelings of regret over this. I should have stood up, given them a choice, i didn't and I am so sorry about it now. My oldest got himself DFed and I didnt stand up for him. He moved out with a relative and I believe that he was so much better off there. He completed collage with our financial support so there was that. My youngest is still "in". living home and going to 4 year college.
Just in the past 6 monthsI stopped going to meetings unless I get guilted into it by my wife. She says " I knew you didn't agree with it, but now your opposed". I need to repair my relationship with my oldest. I have apologised to him in writing about the whole him leaving the house thing. I understand his feelings, I hate what I did and he has his own life. I hope my youngest will at some point leave the "borg" and the odds are in my favor.
My relationship with my wife is really great all things considered. She does her witness thing and doesn't try and engage me in it. But the "pink elephant" is ALWAYS there. I know she disappointed that the "elders" haven't talked to me. Some have been social friends for over 20 years. I have no friends outside the hall and i know they aren't friends anyway. I am very much alone at times.
So, I'm not sure it can work, but I am hopeful that the real truth will win out. and at some point this will be behind us.
its really all i have at this point.
Thanks for reading..
whats the latest on the pioneer hours changing?
nothing seems to be happy on the jw world.
my elder friend thinks im wrong about this.
I was at a JW wedding last nite and one of the big mouthed elders children was saying how there is gonna be a change in the pioneer hrs.
Either his father is blabbing (very likely) or hes on these boards ( maybe that too..)
ok, i'll start, maybe if we can all tell simon our reason why this site means so much to us he will reconsider and leave it here.
this site has given me the courage to speak out.
i used to be ashamed of my history with the witnesses.
I am at the start of a long and complicated journey. I need the help and encouragement of this board !!
I have no road map now. I don't know any of you guys,but, please I'm begging you.. keep this site up and the board running.
i wanted to address the folks on board here who really have a challenge on their hands.
and i feel it's good for us to acknowledge the great job many of them are accomplishing with the pressures they have on them living with a spouse in a mind control cult.
i know it would be so easy sometimes for some in that position to say , " the hell with it !
Hey Y'all,
Nice topic, me UBM her active super-witness, i have been very supportive in the past, not so much now. I reached a point where I just couldn't do all the meetings and assemblies anymore. Once your eyes are opened you can't turn back. So I didn't go to the DC this year, that was a BIG deal. now its like I feel bad so I go to meetings, but I m so disconnected.. thats really the word for it. I would never really listen and could care less. Now I listen and care more. Does that make sence. I would love to have a normal life. I really want that, but i don't think its gonna happen. I feel that if i go with my wife that at least she gets some of my input on the nonsence being spewed from the platform. Like at sunday watchtower she was talking to me and drawing on the watchtower. now if im not there shes either really tuned in or maybe thinking about me not being there. We have 2 older kids 1 DFed and 1 in. Shes born in and the only one in her family thats still active. her folks have passed away and her siblings are not active or even interested. i wish she would catch on, she knows about the pedophile thing. she thinks its just random issues and that the news blows it up. also that apostates everywhere.. I found this site and am gratefull, but sometimes the reality of it is overwhelming. so I need to stay away for a bit. If I even bring up anything bad about the truth she shuts down. I wish I had the strength to say its either them or me, but Im afraid I know whos gonna win.
i thought it would be interesting to see just how many people have climbed aboard jwd within the last 6 months.
it will give us an indication on how many people are actually coming away from the borg.. i may not be replying all the time but will pop in every day of so.. lets keep this thread going and use it to welcome new ones.
may i be the first to say welcome.
been like 2 months. totaly addicted. just wanna say thanks to y'all.
i feel like running for a long long time or just losing it and checking myself into a hospital.
but instead, i have to stay here and work.
how do you feel?
pretty shitty.. me and wife fighting about the CA and why im so angry at the jw religon "u have nothing good to say".